The omicization of agrochemical research(<Special topic>Applications of omics-technologies to the agricultural and environmental sciences)
- Purification and Chracterization of a Novel Short-Chain Insecticidal Toxin from the Venom of the Scorpion Liocheles Australasiae
- Development of a Colorimetric Assay for Determining the Amount of H_2O_2 Generated in Tobacco Cells in Response to Elicitors and Its Application to Study of the Structure-Activity Relationship of Flagellin-Derived Peptides
- Analysis of Peptide Components in the Venom of the Japanese Scorpion Liocheles Australasiae
- Development of a Cell-Based Assay for the Screening of Novel Plant Activators from Combinatorial Peptide Libraries
- Synthesis of Brassinosteroids of Varying Acyl Side Chains and Evaluation of Their Brassinolide-like Activity
- Structure-Activity Relationships of Flagellin-Derived Peptides Which Induce Plant Defence Responses
- The omicization of agrochemical research(Applications of omics-technologies to the agricultural and environmental sciences)