- 論文の詳細を見る
To see a thing is to integrate momentary sense-data and arrange them to one image. In order to integrate momentary sense-data, we need perform memorizing them. Memorizing brings us the time experience. It means, we are in the middle of time experience, when we are seeing a thing, or when a thing is being before us. Seeing is the time experience itself: a thing being be for us means our time experience itself. Since it is memorizing that makes possible our time experience, we need be able to explain the mechanism of memorizing, to understand radically what seeing is, or what being of a thing be for us is. Probably, we have to go back deeply in the world of a life, when we are going to search the origin of the mechanism of memory. For the slipper animalcule has already the true time experience!
- 高知大学の論文
- 2005-12-31
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