- 論文の詳細を見る
There are frequent occasions in a greenhouse when it becomes necessary to discharge excess heat on a sunny winter day, yet keep the interior temerature at an optimal level when it becomes colder outside. In this report, one possible is presented: a greenhouse with an underground heat exchange system which utilizes this excess heat. The performance tests of the heat transfer in the ducts, the material of the ducts, the mateial of the ducts, the conditions of the plants, and the expermental results obtainrd are also presented. Two experimental greenhouses were constructed for this experiment. The following is an overview of the results obtained: (1) When the outdoor temperature fell below 0℃, the interior temperature was kept above 5℃; (2) The ducts were more active when there were crops present and the moisture content of the soil was high; (3) The duct pipes were effectively used as drain pipes; (4) Calculations of the temperature variations were in almost perfect agreement with experimental results;
- 1993-03-20
越智 敏明
吉岡 勉
越智 敏明
吉岡 勉
Kumano Technical College
多賀 正夫
Faculty of Sciencd and Technology, Kinki University
越智 敏明
Osaka Prefectural College of Technology
多賀 正夫
近畿大 工
多賀 正夫
越智 敏明
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