- 論文の詳細を見る
Lawn planting in school playground scattered in urban areas is expected to mitigate the heat-island phenomenon. If lawn planting in school playground is realized, a new green area of about several thousands square meters will be created in the central block of city, where the wide expansion of planting areas has been considered to be difficult. This paper compares the summer thermal environment in a school when its playground is covered with lawn and when it is not covered with, namely of soil ground. The comparison is conducted by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis based on the measurement results on a primary school located in one of the wards in Tokyo. Our major finding through this study is introduced as below: 1) In a region of school playground where air flow stagnates, the thermal index of standard new effective temperature (SET^*) in the playground covered with lawn is tended to be lower by approximately 1℃ compared to that when it is with soil ground. 2) Under the condition when the air above the school playground enters into the classroom where the airflow velocity of approximately 0.5m/s is observed, the temperature of the room with the playground covered with lawn is tended to be lower by approximately 1℃ compared to that when it is with soil ground.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2006-10-30
深尾 仁
大黒 雅之
深尾 仁
大黒 雅之
梅田 和彦
梅田 和彦
大黒 雅之
深尾 仁
大成建設 技術セ 建築技術研
大黒 雅之
梅田 和彦
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