ヴェトナム施釉陶器の技術・形態的視点からの分類と編年 : 10世紀から20世紀の碗皿資料を中心に(第1部:東南アジア産施釉陶磁器の生産技術と編年,<特集>東南アジアの土器と施釉陶磁器)
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The Vietnamese ceramics started to show their own way of development with absorbing influence from the Chinese after the independence in the 10^<th> century. The production area is so limited in the Red River Plain that they retain less regional difference and can be classified by a uniformed standard. This paper analyzes the bowls and dishes of the 10^<th> to 20^<th> century from techno-morphological viewpoints. The stacking technique was adopted as the first classification standard and the formation technique of bottom part was the second (Fig.1 Fig.14). 13 major stacking technique types were recognized according to their methods as the following: 4 or 5 points clod used on the unglazed place, shell, white clay attached, white clay attached but only 4 points on the bottom, clay dots, ring support with spurs (flat section), ring support with spurs (round section), disk support with spurs, unglazed ring carved in the center of vessel, stucking rim to rim, single piece in sagger, placed on the top and direct stacking. After the classification, stratigraphic studies or assemblages date at the several sites make it possible to limit the date range of each type. The following sites were used as period markers; Duong Xa kiln, Bach Coc sites group in Nam Dinh, Bai Ham Rong in Kim Lan, Con Che kiln, Con Thinh kiln, Bai Ha Lan, Den Tran, Nha Ho citadel, Hoi An shipwreck and Vietnamese ceramics excavated in Japan. And we set out 17 chronological phase (Fig.15 17) and examine technological history of ceramic production. 1. Stacking by "white clay attached" and "ring support with spurs (flat section)" appeared in the Ly period and continued to the Tran Period. In the early 14^<th> century, techniques of "ring support with spurs (flat section) "and "clay dots" became popular. "Unglazed curved ring" techniques were popularized after the 15^<th> century and last to the 20^<th> century. In the 15^<th> and 16^<th> century, for protecting the motif or keeping high quality, technique of stacking rim to rim or ring support were used. 2. Pale transparent glaze was applied after the 11th century and celadon from the 11^<th> or 12^<th> century. Brown glaze and green glaze could be dated to the Ly period. Underglazed iron painting had appeared from the early of the 14^<th> century and existed through the 14^<th> century, and very few case in the 15^<th> century and used again in the 17^<th> century. But the iron paint by stamping lasted to the 18^<th> century or more. Blue and white ware appeared in the latter half of 14^<th> century, but it is necessary to keep examine more. In the latter half of the 17^<th> century blue and white ware disappeared but in the superior type slipped pottery with red fabric, blue painting was still used. Brown wash at bottom was used for the superior type from 12^<th> century to 16^<th> century. Especially those of the 12^<th> and 13^<th> century tend to be mixed with glaze. 3. Imperial and official kilns from the 13^<th> to 15^<th> produced high quality ware. Two epoch-making times of ceramic production technique can be identified in the 11^<th> (Ly Dynasty) and 15^<th> century (Ho Dynasty). It is possible to conclude that dynasty changes caused large innovation of ceramic production. 4. The Vietnamese ceramics had exported mainly from the middle of the 14^<th> century to the early 16^<th> century. Some amount of the final 16^<th> to 17^<th> century ceramic was exported, but their trade routes were limited.
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