経営倫理学の展開 : 経営学史的一考察
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Summary. A purpose of this paper is to search for a theoretical development of business ethics which has studied full-fledged in the area of business administration in the 1980s. First, arguments about corporate social responsibility which had studied previous to business ethics are examined. In this section, the transition from the early stage -CSR1- to corporate social performance theories -CSR2- is mainly sketched out and a deadlock found in such a theoretical development is pointed out. The study of business ethics rose to break this deadlock situation. In the next section, the early main stream of business ethics, namely orthodox business ethics is examined. This orthodox, however, has been frequently criticized in the mid-90s. In the next section, new waves of business ethics since the mid-90s -especially, integrated social contracts theory of business ethics and pragmatic approach to business ethics- are briefly sketched out. Finally, it is suggested that the relation of ethics to responsibility will have to be discussed in more detail as a new theme of business ethics.
- 大阪産業大学の論文
- 2006-02-28
- ジョン・デューイ『価値づけの理論』(下)
- ジョン・デューイ『価値づけの理論』(上)
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- 経営倫理学の展開 : 経営学史的一考察
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