Blade Rows Interaction of Contra-Rotating Axial Flow Pump in Pressure Field on Casing Wall
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An application of contra-rotating rotors has been proposed against a demand for developing higher specific speed axial flow pump with more compact structure, higher efficiency and higher cavitation performance. The blade rows interaction between front and rear rotors should be taken into account in pump design for stable operation and reduction of unsteady losses. The measurements of static pressure distributions on casing wall with the phase locked sampling method are carried out for two types of the rear rotors. In the present paper the difference of the rear blade interaction and the unsteady pressure fluctuation are clarified. The pressure fluctuations are more remarkable in the front rotor than in the rear rotor and they are caused by rear rotor pressure field. The effects of pressure fluctuations will be discussed in more details toward understanding the blade rows interaction in the contra-rotating axial flow pump.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-08-15
Watanabe Satoshi
Kyushu University Faculty Of Engineering
Watanabe Satoshi
Dept.of Mechanical Eng. Science Faculty Of Eng. Kyushu Univ.
Watanabe Satoshi
Division Of Gastroenterological Surgery Chiba Cancer Center Hospital
Furukawa Akinori
Division Of Mechanical Engineering Science Kyushu University
Division of Mechanical Engineering Science, Kyushu University
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tokushima
Division of Mechanical Engineering Science, Kyushu University
Okuma Kusuo
Division Of Mechanical Engineering Science Kyushu University
Takano Tomoya
Division Of Mechanical Engineering Science Kyushu University
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- Blade Rows Interaction of Contra-Rotating Axial Flow Pump in Pressure Field on Casing Wall
- Preface
- Predictive importance of left ventricular myocardial stiffness for the prognosis of patients with congestive heart failure