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In this study, we performed a tensile test on as- received, quenched and tempered S 45 C steel samples using the intelligent universal test machine and measurement of the yield point and the elasticity-plasticity transition point from the relationship between stress and strain rate, thereby obtaining the following results. (1) As for the tempered material, only the upper yield point appeared using the intelligent universal test machine. (2) As for the quenched materials, a clear yield point emerged on the stress-strain curve under appropriate test conditions using the intelligent universal test machine. (3) As for the as-received material, yield points did not appear on the stress-strain curve using the intelligent universal test machine. However, it is possible to find elasticity-plasticity transition point by analyzing the strain rate. We determined that there was an appropriate testing condition for producing the reducibility strain of material to show the yield point and the elasticity-plasticity transition point.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-05-25
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