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The present study was undertaken to know the relationship between the contents of inorganic substances in whole saliva and calculus formation, and between flow rate of whole saliva and calculus formation. Forty eight male and eighty one female patients whose ages were from 20 to 63 were examined in the present study. The patients were divided into four groups according to the extent of calculus deposition in supragingiva, using the Volpe's method (1965). Calcium and magnesium contents in unstimulated whole saliva were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer, and phosphorus contents, by Eastoe's method (1965). Flow rate of whole saliva per one minute was measured. The content rate of calcium was significantly higher in heavy calculus formers than light calculus formers. There were no significant differences in phosphorus, magnesium and flow rate between heavy calculus formers and light calculus formers. Further, in the present study, the relationship between the contents of inorganic substances in whole saliva and caries susceptibility, and between calculus formation and caries susceptibility were examined. Flow rate of whole saliva per one minute was measured. The content rate of magnesium in whole saliva was significantly higher in caries-active patients than in caries-free patients. But there were no significant differences in calcium, phosphorus and flow rate between caries-active patients and caries-free patients. The heavy calculus formers showed the tendency to have fewer caries.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本歯周病学会の論文
- 1979-12-28
- 拡大困難な根管に関する臨床的研究 : 本学学生実習における調査
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- 16.唾液中の無機成分量と歯周疾患との関係 : 第1報 歯石沈着との関係(第21回 秋季日本歯周病学会)
- 異常な咬合状態における家兎切歯の根端部組織の組織学的並びに組織化学的変化について : 一般講演要旨