- 論文の詳細を見る
The Atta Shell Midden was recognized in 1958 when the Afuso Elementary School was expanding its playground. The midden occurs in a small sand-dune on the coast facing the East China Sea and yielded the artifacts which may be classed as those of the Later period in the Shell Midden Age of the Ryukyu Islands. Excavation was done in the winter of 1960. Bone tools were not obtained. Of the stone tools, only a few kinds were identified. Since they were all fragments, the reconstruction of their original forms in drawing is difficult. Shell artifacts were divided into two categories', ornamental and utilitarian. The net-sinkers made of Tridacna are most numerous among the shell artifacts. The most important shell artifacts, however, are carved plaques (Fig. 4, Plate 11) made of cone shells. This type was abundantly found in the Hirota site of Tane Island of Kyusyu, where they were associated with burials and accompanied by the Yayoi type of pottery, classed as belonging to the Middle period. However, in Atta, the specimen occurred alone and no burials were encountered. As to pottery, three forms of tsubo, kame, and hachi were secured, of which the kame type takes the greater part. Both tsubo and hachi vessels were uncommon. Although seven varieties of designs were observed, their occurrence was less than two percent. That the trend for lack of decoration in the pottery vessel is conspicuous may suggest a recent date for the site, that is, the close of the Later period in the Shell Midden Age.
- 沖縄大学の論文
- 1969-02-28
- VIおわりに(室川貝塚第1〜3次発掘調査概報)
- 南島考古雑録(III)
- 百済・統一新羅時代遺蹟出上の開元通宝
- 三時期法出現の社会的背景
- 『社会文化研究』の創刊に寄せて
- 南島考古雑録(II)
- 熟田原貝塚採集の貝類と獣魚骨
- 渡具知東原遺跡曾畑層出土の石器
- 南島中部圏の外耳
- 更新世末ごろの沖縄の古気候
- 暫定編年(沖縄諸島)の第3次修正
- 暫定編年の第二次修正について
- 渡具知東原遺跡曽畑層出土の土器
- 室川貝塚発見の出水式系土器
- 嘉手納村野国B地点発見の土器
- いわゆるカヤウチバンタ式および宇佐浜式土器について
- 熱田原貝塚の土器
- 恩納村熱田貝塚調査概報
- 八重山型石斧の基礎的研究(4)
- 先史時代の沖縄諸島