Discontinity Formula and Sato's Conjecture
Kawai Takahiro
Research Institute For Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University
Stapp Henry
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory University Of California
- On the Boundary Value of a Solution of the Heat Equation
- Professor Mikio Sato and Microlocal Analysis
- Monodromy Structure of Solutions of Holonomic Systems of Linear Differential Equations is Invariant under the Deformation of the System
- Holonomic Systems of Linear Differential Equations and Feynman Integrals
- On Holonomic Systems for $\displaystyle\Pi_{\imath=1}^{N}(f_1+\sqrt{-1}0)^\lambda \iota $
- Micro-Analytic Structure of the $\textit{S}$-Matrix and Related Functions
- On Holonomic Systems of Micro-differential Equations. III-Systems with Regular Singularities-
- Microlocal Analysis
- Micro-hyperbolic pseudo-differential operators I
- Structure of a single pseudo-differential equation in a real domain
- Correspondence and Analyticity
- Discontinity Formula and Sato's Conjecture
- On the global existence of real analytic solutions of linear differential equations (I)
- On the global existence of real analytic solutions of linear differential equations (II)
- Microlocal analysis of massless singularities(Complex Analysis and Differential Equations)
- Half of the Toulouse Project Part 5 is Completed : Structure Theorem for Instanton-Type Solutions of $(P_J)_m$ (J = I,II or IV) near a Simple $P$-Turning Point of the First Kind (Algebraic Analysis and the Exact WKB Analysis for Systems of Differential Eq
- WKB analysis and deformation of Schrodinger equations
- Extended Landau Variety and the Singularity Spectrum of Position-Space Feynman Amplitudes
- Poisson's Summation Formula and Hamburger's Theorem
- Microlocal Properties of Local Elementary Solutions for Cauchy Problems for a Class of Hyperbolic Linear Differential Operators
- Extension of Solutions of Systems of Linear Differential Equations
- Theory of Vector-Valued Hyperfunctions
- The Poincare Lemma for Variations of Polarized Hodge Structure