- 論文の詳細を見る
Glaucoma is chronic advance disease of neuronal cell degeneration without inflammation, and final picture of the pathology is retinal ganglion cell death. The machine obstacle theory and the peripheral circulatory obstacle theory have been proposed but the mechanism of glaucoma is still matter of debate. To study the molecular mechanisms of glaucoma, especially roles of the N methyl-D aspatate(NMDA) receptor channel, I developed a experimental mouse glaucoma-tous model. To chronically increase intraocular pressure (IPO) in mouse eyes, I intercepted episcleral veins in two places (medial-superior and lateral-inferior) and stopped the blood-stream. By this treatment, significantly higher IOP which was 55% higher than normal was continued at least 4 weeks. At this time, thickness of the inner reticular layer decreased and the number of retinal ganglion cell also decreased. On the other hand, there was no pathological change in the mice lacking NMDA receptor GluR ε1(NR2A) subunit in which IOP was increased chronically by this method. However, at twelve weeks after treatment, the pathological changes were occur in the GluR ε1 subunit knockout mice which are similar degree of wild type mice. These results suggest that NMDA receptor have a some role in retinal ganglion cell death induced by glaucoma and there are another causal mechanisms.
- 新潟大学の論文
- 2004-12-10
松田 英伸
松田 英伸
新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 生体機能調節医学専攻 感覚統合医学講座 視覚病態学分野
松田 英伸
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