Pieri's formula for generalized Schur polynomials (組合せ論的表現論の世界 RIMS研究集会報告集)
- On an edge-signed generalization of chordal graphs and free multiplicities on braid arrangements (表現論と組合せ論--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- Graph presentations for moments of noncentral Wishart distributions and their applications (Special issue: Algebraic methods in computational statistics)
- On moments of the noncentral Wishart distributions and weighted generating functions of matchings (Combinatorial Representation Theory and its Applications)
- 大学入試センター試験科目選択データの統計解析
- On a bijective proof of a factorization formula for Macdonald polynomials at roots of unity (Expansion of Combinatorial Representation Theory)
- Pieri's formula for generalized Schur polynomials (組合せ論的表現論の世界 RIMS研究集会報告集)
- ロビンソン-シェンステッド対応の一般化 (表現論における組合せ論的手法とその応用)
- An extended Schur's lemma and its application
- Pieri's formula for generalized Schur polynomials
- GENERALIZED SCHUR OPERATORS ON PLANAR BINARY TREES (Combinatorial Representation Theory and Related Topics)
- Tabloids and weighted sums of characters of certain modules of the symmetric groups