- 論文の詳細を見る
Baduhui was an organization of peasants in Shizhu county of Sichuan Prefecture. Its cause was a trouble between Ran Guangru who failed the official examination of Qing Dinasty and Ran Ruixiang who was a vicious leader of vigilant group. Ran ruxiang charged Ran Guangru with cultivating opium. Though the charge was nothing but a lie, so the head of prefecture was bribed into convicting Ran Guangru. When Ran Guangru and his brother were arrested, his nephews fleed them from. Then they and several furiends organized Baduhui, suckking blood in a shrine. Baduhui repudiate the rent of wicked landlords and various tax of warlord. They organized thir governments and militia which were kept up over a span of 8 years. The history of Baduhui written by Mr. Li Xuyang has been translated into Japanese on this bulletin by the author of this paper. So, in this note I only gave several features of Baduhui. I come to conclude that Baduhui was one of typical peasant rebellion which did not include vagrants such as in Bailang's rebellion.
- 静岡大学の論文
- 2005-07-31
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