- 論文の詳細を見る
To understand the actual state of the elders abuse research, about 18 papers of the actual state investigation research and 9 papers of the case research, it did verification and an analysis. As a result, some problems were suggested. In Japan, the definition of the elder abuse isn't established. The fact that the elder abuse is a problem of the human rights must be made clear. It showed the concept, which seems to be effective'in this research and it considered the actual conditions of the effective investigation research. It is desirable that the public organizations such as the country and the local self-governing body implement the quantitative investigation to understand the actual conditions. That the research institute of the civilian makes the actual conditions of the abuse clear by the qualitative research done. The case research suits qualitative investigation. However, when implementing, there is a point of some consideration. In the interview to the abused person and the person who is doing the abuse, it is necessary to protect privacy. This is the most important requirement in case of the implementation of the investigation.
- 群馬パース大学の論文
- 2003-03-31
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