日本の自治体と東南アジア : 姉妹都市・友好交流活動をめぐって
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The present paper examines the current state of international exchange between Japanese local government authorities and Southeast Asia, as well as associated problems. (1) The United States accounts for the greatest number of cities and regions chosen by Japanese local government authorities as sister cities and regions, followed by China, and there are relatively few in Southeast Asia (35 in 1999). (2) The reasons that Japanese local government authorities enter into sister-city relations with Southeast Asian cities and regions include historical, cultural, industrial and environmental affinities, the gathering of the remains of Japanese soldiers from World War II, and issues associated with overseas brides. (3) But when one considers both the reasons that these local government authorities have established sister-city relations and their subsequent activities, there does not appear to have been sufficient reflection on or apology for modern Japan's aggression in Southeast Asia. (4) Sister-city projects are sometimes undertaken as part of "town revitalization." But while paying all due deference to such efforts, I nonetheless look forward to future intercity exchange based more on the initiatives of local residents themselves.
- 桃山学院大学の論文
- 2000-12-20
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- 日本の自治体と東南アジア : 姉妹都市・友好交流活動をめぐって
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