口腔内カンジダ症の免疫学的研究 : Candida albicans菌体成分の免疫応答への作用
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The effects of cell components (Ca-m) obtained from Candida albicans on immune response of murine were investigated. Intraperitoneal injection of Ca-m caused a significant increase in direct plaque-forming cell (PFC) numbers in the spleen, and a suppressive effect on delayed hypersensitivity in the footpad 3 days or 5 days after antigenic stimulation with sheep erythrocytes (SRBC), respectively. Injection of Ca-m and SRBC together into congenitally athymic nude mice did not elicit a greater anti-SRBC PFC response than controls without Ca-m. The mice injected with Ca-m at the time of priming SRBC and then immunized with trinitrophenylated SRBC showed a greater anti-trinitrophenyl PFC response than controls without the injection of Ca-m. In vitro proliferative response of T lymphocytes in the peritoneal exudate of C3H/HeN mice immunized with Ca-m and SRBC [T(Ca-m+SRBC)] wsa examined by determining the uptake of tritiated thymidine in to cells. Although the cells from mice which injected with SRBC only [T(SRBC)] showed a basal proliferative response in the absence of antigen, the addition of specific antigen increased the response sharply. However, the basal response of T(Ca-m+SRBC) disappeared. The basal proliferation was seen to be due to or dependent on the proliferation of Ia^+ T cells. The quantity of IL-4, but not IL-2, in the supernatant obtained from cultures containing T(Ca-m+SRBC) and anti-CD3 antibodies was higher than that of T(SRBC) and anti-CD3 antibodies cultures. These results suggest that Ca-m have an adjuvant effect on the humoral antibody response and a suppressive effect on delayed sensitivity reaction on murine immuno system, and these effects are mainly due to the enhanced induction of Th2 cells.
- 2004-06-30
- 口腔内カンジダ症の免疫学的研究 : Candida albicans菌体成分の免疫応答への作用
- 菌体内の毒素のマウスγδ型Tリンパ球に対するマイトジェン作用
- 6)口腔内カンジダ症の免疫学的研究(一般講演)(第36回奥羽大学歯学会例会講演抄録) : Candida albicans菌体成分の免疫応答への作用