Harmonic Mappings and Disc Bundles over Compact Kahler Manifolds
Ohsawa Takeo
Research Institute For Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University
Diederich Klas
Mathematik Berg. Universitat-ghs
Diederich Klas
Mathematik Bergische Universitat-ghs
- A Stein Domain with Smooth Boundary Which Has a Product Structure
- General continuity principles for the Bergman kernel(Complex Analysis and Differential Equations)
- A Vanishing Theorem for $H^p$(X, $\Omega^q$(B)) on Weakly 1-Complete Manifolds
- Finiteness Theorems on Weakly 1-complete Manifolds
- On analytic families of submanifolds and holomorphical convexity of neighbourhoods of P1
- On Complete Kahler Domains with C$^1$-Boundary
- Supplement to 'Weakly 1-Complete Manifold and Levi Problem'
- On H$^p,^q$(X, $\textbf{B}$) of Weakly 1-Complete Manifolds
- Isomorphism Theorems for Cohomology Groups of Weakly $1$-Complete Manifolds
- Weakly 1-Complete Manifold and Levi Problem
- On the Rigidity of Noncompact Quotients of Bounded Symmetric Domains
- Completeness of Noncompact Analytic Spaces
- Supplement to "Hodge Spectral Sequence on Compact Kahler Spaces"
- On the Domain of Existence of $P$-pluriharmonic Functions
- Hodge Spectral Sequence and Symmetry on Compact Kahler Spaces
- Harmonic Mappings and Disc Bundles over Compact Kahler Manifolds
- Vanishing Theorems on Complete Kahler Manifolds
- An Extension of Hodge Theory to Kahler Spaces with Isolated Singularities of Restricted Type
- Global Realization of Strongly Pseudoconvex CR Manifolds : Dedicated to Professor S.Nakano on his 60th birthday
- On the Extension of $L\sp 2$ Holomorphic Functions II
- Strongly Pseudoconvex Manifolds and Strongly Pseudoconvex Domains
- Cohomology Vanishing Theorems on Weakly $1$-Complete Manifolds
- On the Infinite Dimensionality of the Middle $L\sp 2$ Cohomology of Complex Domains
- Boundary Behavior of the Bergman Kernel Function on Pseudoconvex Domains
- A Vanishing Theorem for Proper Direct Images
- A remark on the theorem of Ohsawa-Takegoshi
- Zero varieties for the Nevanlinna class on all convex domains of finite type
- Hodge Spectral Sequence on Compact Kahler Spaces