純粋実践理性の分析論の解明(2) : カント倫理学の構造(11)
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"Kant asserts that the freedom is the condition of the existence of morality and the morality is the condition of consciousness of freedom. If the morality can be fit for human being, the freedom of the will must be premised. But the world where human beings live is ruled by the laws of nature. The incidents of nature happen necessarily according to the laws of nature. So human conduct, which happens in this world, is ruled by the laws of nature and happens necessary. But human conduct, as far as is done with the consciousness of moral law, must be acted freely. Namely human conduct is at the same time free and necessary. Kant solves the contradiction by the division of phenomena and things themselves. The human mind is considered the thing itself, and so free from the category of cause and effect. But human conduct appears in the phenomenal world, and so ruled by the categories and put under the natural necessity. Kant pays attention to the function of conscience (Gewissen). A human being, when he thinks his conduct to be against the moral law, considers that the conduct was able not to be done and this is repentance. If the conduct is under natural necessity, repentance has no meaning. So the function of conscience proves that the moral laws are always working in the human mind, and a human being is always free in his conduct. But on the other hand the conduct of a human being in the world must be considered under the natural necessity. How can we understand this contradiction? The conduct of human beings, when acted out, cannot be considered as not having been done. But must always be judged by the conscience. We are always asked the meanings of our conduct. This real world is ruled by the laws of nature and is the one united necessary world. But it is the world where human conduct is done. So the world itself must be judged by the moral laws. This world is always questioned by the moral meaning for human beings. And the questioning itself makes the structure of this world. Perhaps, I think, Kant indicated this character of the world."
- 宇都宮大学の論文
- 2003-10-01
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