フロイトとユングの分岐における<人類の先史としての子ども> : 精神分析と起源を求める視線
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In this article, the author attempts to clarify "childhood as the prehistory of human" in the dispute of Freud and Jung, which was a part of the "psychoanalytic child", but which forms no part of today's child or childhood. Why did Freud emphasize "sex"? The answer according to the author for this question is because he based his theory on the biogenetic law of E. Haeckel and W. Boelche. Both Freud and Jung relied upon the recapitulation theory of Haeckel and applied it in their psychological ideas. Therefore, for them, "the prehistory of human" was identified with "childhood". However, a different attitude towards biology caused Freud and Jung's theories to diverge. For Freud, some (traumatic) experience not only in individual infancy but also in the prehistory of human had etiological significance in reality. But for Jung, neither the individual infancy nor the prehistory of human had any value outside of fantasy. Post Freud, psychoanalysis has shifted to focus to understanding the child itself. Arguably, this paper concludes that, on the one hand, this change of focus shows that our understanding of the child has progressed, but on the other hand, compared with Freud, it removes some of the building blocks upon which we base our experiences with child or of childhood.
- 東京大学の論文
- 2004-03-10