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In an attempt to search for the theory of enterprise formation, we reviewed the theories of J. A. Schumpeter, A. Gerschenkron, O. A. Hirschman, A. P. Alexander and H. Leibenstein. According to Schumpeter, an "enterprise" is a business organization to execute new combinations of resources, and an "entrepreneur" is the active nucleus of the enterprise. In developing countries where markets are far from perfect, few enterprises can combine resources for productive purposes without such entrepreneurs as "input completers" and "gap fillers". But the entrepreneurs need not be of a special type as Schumpeter assumed, since adaptive imitations of foreign new technologies can be innovations in developing countries, as Gerschenkron pointed out, and since a lot of economic opportunities are left to potential entrepreneurs in the "loose" equilibria of developing economies, where "X-inefficiencies" are present so often as Leibenstein emphasized. Leibenstein argued that three conditions are necessary for entrepreneurial formation : economic opportunities, entrepreneurial capacities and motivations. In most developing economies, enterprise formation is seen as a step-up process of enterprise : myriads of self-employed workers are operating in the "informal sector" which is competitive, unregulated and unprotected ; some of them may grow to become micro-entreprises and enter the "intermediate sector" which is informal but has higher productivity and growth potentials ; only a few of them will succeed in their business enough to grow into formal enterprises, but they need to change their internal structure from that of family businesses to that of corporations. We can thus simplify the problem of enterprise formation into the step-up process of micro-enterprises to grow and enter the formal sector, and consider the measures to promote enterprise formation : elimination of the policy bias in favor of large-scale enterprises, removal of legal and policy restraints on small businesses, preferential credit provision to them, support for entrepreneurial training, etc.
- 神戸大学の論文
- 1996-03-21
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