共感特性と他者の心理状態把握との関連 : 短期大学生を対象として
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between empathy and understanding psychological characteristics of a junior high school student as seen by junior college students. For this purpose, subjects (94 junior college students, mean age=18.7) were asked to read a case report of a 12 years old boy and to assess his mental state by two psychological inventories (Children's Depression Inventory and Harter's Self-Perception Profile) putting themselves in his place. And the multidimensional scale of empathy was administered to the subjects. The multidimensional scale of empathy consists of four subscales, i. e. perspective-taking, fantasy, empathic concern, and personal distress. Results showed that there was positive correlation between perspective-taking and athletic competence (one of the subscales of the HSPP) but other relations between the multidimensional scale of empathy and CDI, HSPP were negative correlation. Results indicated that personal distress is different from other subscales of the multidimensional scale of empathy. It was discussed mainly from the validity of multidimensional scale of empathy.
- 大分県立芸術文化短期大学の論文
- 2003-12-26
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- 共感特性と他者の心理状態把握との関連 : 短期大学生を対象として
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