薬師寺東塔初重身舎天井廻りにみられる彩色文様 : 付白描図・復元図
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It has already been reported that two types of stylized flower motif are seen in the painted patterns on the coved ceiling in the core of the East Pagoda in Yakushiji temple, Nara. Making copies of the patterns on the coved-and-1atticed ceiling, I discerned that each type of stylized flower motif has another version. Furthermore, I describe the remaining condition of the patterns in detail, and identify the sort of the pigments and techniques of painters in the Nara Period from the viewpoint of both a researcher and a painter-and-reconstructor of Japanese painting.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
- 2004-10-29
- 現場レポート 奈良県 国宝唐招提寺金堂--正面扉の当初彩色文様について
- 彩色調査 (特集 唐招提寺金堂--平成の大修理) -- (国宝唐招提寺金堂の保存修理)
- 薬師寺東塔初重身舎天井廻りにみられる彩色文様 : 付白描図・復元図
- 正倉院の染織品の文様について : 文様復元図の作成
- 新出の建築部材(天井裏板)について : 付白描図、及び復元図
- 『栄山寺八角堂内陣装飾画』に関する新知見ほか