市民の農業 : 農地の公共性を考える
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The agricultural land is as one of the important matter that indispensable when residence environment and health are maintained as the second nature. However, the increase of usage diversion and also cultivation abandonment are obvious in addition to agricultural land by the excessive progress of urbanization. Basically the agricultural land has been managed properly with that the farmhouse family dose agriculture work usually. However, recently the farmhouse where there is not the family who engages in agriculture work in increasing. As for it the rising of the ratio of the aging and side business of agriculture engagement person are a cause. The citizen is increasing even the case that is related to agriculture work with a various figure and be doing the substantial control of agricultural land with one. They are forming the organization called the volunteer group and NPO corporation which help agriculture. Their activity is an effective support service in the restriction of the existing system. The conservation of agricultural land is demonstrating the function of the public benefit such as environment and education, disaster prevention, welfare. The policy for the conservation needs to be being developed comprehensively in autonomy administration.
- 東京農工大学の論文
- 2003-08-29
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