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"The Wealth of Nations" by A. smith has mentioned that there are two sorts of labour, productive and unproductive, and that the former replaces capital, adds to the value of the subject and fixes itself in some parmanent subject, the latter on the contrary replaces revenue, adds to nothing and perish in the instant of its performance. Since then the dispute concerning productive-unproductive labour has been taken repeatedly. The point at isuue is whether productive labour which is binding to capital implies the labour of nonmaterial subject, putting concreatly circulation labour and service labour, or not. Marx wrote in "Theories on Surplus-Value" that productive-unproductive labour has no relation to material or nonmaterial subject and nonmaterial labour will go into private service in the future. He formed the theory of Book I of "The Capital" on the premise of this perspective, setting a limit to production-circulation-consumption of material commodities, and he said in Book II that purely ciculating labour is unproductive because of mere manipulation of commodities. This parts of his draft were made out before 1870, when he was thinking that manufacturing capital is mainly important because manufacturing labour only produce value and surplus-value, but in the other parts written after this time he turned the thought into that manufacturing and circulating capital are process types of industrial capital respectively (Takumi). I think also it is important on the labour-value theory whether the products enters ultimately into the value formation factor of the labour-power. In conclusion, nonmaterial labour which is binding to capital is productive, if its products enters into the consumption process of the nation and makes the labour-power. The other way, labour which is not exchanged directly to the income of the peopls does not create surplus-value and this labour is maintained by the redistributed income of surplus-value creation sectors. Also, the contents of this dispute have actually a characteristics making the question how we think the relations between labour, goods or market. There are a lot of goods which have significance on the premise of human settlement, such as service for person. Therefore I consider there is the problems of region (land) in the behind sense of the dispute. The pursued economics at modern times is not the economics ignoring time (history) and sphere (region) but the political economy composed clearly of the logical relations between labour, region and market.
- 東京農工大学の論文
- 2002-09-10
- 価値形成労働の論点と政治経済学の方向
- 地代論再考
- 犬塚昭治・柘植徳雄・中林吉幸・菅沼圭輔著, 『土地を活かす英知と政策-日・英・独・中の歴史と現状-』, 農村漁村文化協会, 1998年, 291頁
- 農業構造政策と土地問題
- 戦前期小作料の動向と経済的性格
- 安部淳著, 『現代日本資本主義と農業構造問題』, 農林統計協会, 1994年, x+360頁
- 由井常彦編『セゾンの歴史』上巻