- 論文の詳細を見る
A consideration on an evaluation of indoor atomosphere is made by furnitures in the room of condominium for single family, in this paper. Most of the condominium for student have few rooms. An atomosphere in the room depends on furnitures and its layout in these cases. As first study, we make questionnaires and surveys of condominium, and as second study, we make 1/10 scale model experiment. In first study, we made survys of 100 single families. From this study, we found number of furnitures (mean 7) as student belongings. And there are six types of layout of furnitures. Most popular layout types are (1) a parallel rows (both sides of the room), (2) a L letter shape (on two walls) and (3) a U letter shape (on three walls). One third of students want to cast off some furniture to secure an enough space in their room, because their space is not so large. In second study, we made indoor atomosphere evaluation experiment about 9 types of scale models. They are the combinations of 3 types of room shape and 3 types of furniture layout. Three types of room shape are (1) a small square, (2) a rectangle and (3) a large square. Three types of furniture layout are a parallel rows, a L letter shape and a U letter shape. There are 62 human subjects. All results are discussed with Semantic Differential Method and Factor Analysis. The furniture layout of parallel rows is prefered in small square room, and that of L letter shape is prefered in rectanglar room. The factor analysis extracted three factors : comfortable factor, active factor and value factor. These results give us a guideline of indoor atomosphere of condominium for single family.
- 2005-03-28
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