私の戦争体験調査と大学生との係わり : 自家広告的石原ゼミナールの活動をとおして(<小特集>沖縄戦の記憶と記録-その共有化をめぐって-)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Since 1970 I have been continuously engaged in field research collecting testimonial accounts of the Battle of Okinawa, and as a member of a university faculty, the students I have taught have been involved, in various ways, with this research. My field research began auspiciously with an interview with the eminent Okinawan advocate of peace and nonviolence, Shoko Ahagon. The constant underlying theme of my research has been nonviolence. In this paper I describe the characteristics of my research over four periods of time. The 1970s were a pioneering period for this research. During this period, the focus of research was on the experiences of people who survived the Battle of Okinawa in caves and bunkers, places which have become the focal points of peace education. In the 1980s, because focus shifted to the impact of war on family units and villages, the research activity of my seminar students, and the results which they reported, attracted the attention of the national news media in Japan. In the 1990s we concentrated on collecting very detailed testimonial accounts, making a more significant contribution to Okinawan society. These firsthand accounts proved invaluable to the prefectural government in 1995 during the construction of the "Cornerstone of Peace" memorial, which honors all victims of the war. After the turn of the century, with fewer and fewer survivors remaining, focus has once again shifted, and is now concerned with methods of conveying
- 2004-03-31
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