建築家薬師寺主計とアール・デコ様式について : 藤岡郊二郎と有隣荘大原孫三郎邸における建築意匠からの考察
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This paper treats the Art Deco style architectural works of Kazue Yakushiji (1884-1965) between the end of Taisho era and the beginning of the Shouwa era. He played an active role in architectural designs in Okayama and Kurashiki under the patronage of Magosaburou Oohara (1880-1943). Although the Prince Yasuhiko Asaka's residence (1933) was highly valued as the Art Deco style, this paper has proved that Yakushiji had designed the Kouji Fujioka's residence (1926), the Magosaburou Oohara's residence, the Yuurinsou (1928), with the architectural style far earlier than the Prince Yasuhiko Asaka's residence. In addition, his works synchronized with the Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes in 1925, which also confirms Architect Yakushiji's earlier introduction of the Art Deco Style to Japan.
- 2002-03-30
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- 建築家薬師寺主計とアール・デコ様式について : 藤岡郊二郎と有隣荘大原孫三郎邸における建築意匠からの考察
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- 9174 建築家薬師寺主計の研究 : その5 アール・デコ様式の導入に関する考察
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