公園における"みどり"について : 児童公園の緑量と緑質の調査と研究
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The greenery in city parks is generally getting more and more scarce at present, it can be, especially, taken in thought at the childi ens-playground. In order to determine accurately what types of trees and shrubs must be fitted to promote greenery amount, in its volume, quality, space and landscape planting, following survey was executed. Date of survey 1. 24th. to 29th Feb. 1963. 2. 27th. July to 18th Aug. 1963. Name of parks and playgrounds surveyed in Tokyo. 1, Setagaya-ku : Johshi, Maruyama and 26 Kyodo o hashi 2. Taito-ku : Seika and Iriyaminami. 3. Chuo-ku : Horidome and Teppozu. Direction in practice. To determine the extent of the greenery which will cast on the ground, as it is observed from the direct upside of plants, the necessary length must be measured. The quality of the greenery is refered to difference of height and divergency of branches. In another study in summer time, spread of branch divergency and height of plants to their lowest branches from the ground surface are measured. Result 1. The greenery cast on 16.01% of playground area in the winter time and 39.41% in the summer time. 2. space of the greenery is more slightly, compared with other equipments and accessaries of the playground. 3. The seasonal difference in the greenery volume is 3 : 1, in summer and winter. 4. Evergreen plants must be planted around outside of playground. 5. The average height of the greenery is more thar 4 meters in all seasons, 4〜8 meters in winter and 4〜16 meters in summer.
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- 公園における"みどり"について : 児童公園の緑量と緑質の調査と研究