伝統的建造物群保存地区における居住者の住教育意向特性 : 地域性を生かした住教育のための基礎的研究
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The purpose of this research is to analyze the knowledge, the contents and the interest of housing education regarding the street of the dweller in a traditional residence area of Wakimachi where are known as the street of "Udathu" The results are as follows 1) There is much proportion that the dweller has the knowledge regarding the residence and the street of Udathu' and the interest regarding community planning is high Especially the trend was seen strongly as the aged 2) The contents of study that the dweller requests are "history and culture", "the street and view beauty", " Udathu, lattice door" and "the goodness of a wooden residence" etc 3) The proportion that the child requires with the place and opportunities of all the schools, homes and social education for the place where learns the street is most frequent, the place of the multilateral education is thinking the necessity as high dwellers of the participation and interest degree to community planning
- 2004-07-30
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- 伝統的建造物群保存地区における居住者の住教育意向特性 : 地域性を生かした住教育のための基礎的研究
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