エドマンド・ブラケットによる,黄金比の引用に関する分析 : シドニーの商業建築について
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The purpose of this research is analyze the design method of Edmund Blacket (1817-1833) who was born in England and settled in the New South Wales colony in 1842. He designed many Anglican Churches, his works are well known in Australia, and he was appointed as NSW Government Architect in 1849. He uses Gothic style for Church Architecture and Classical style for commerce architecture. In this research, I did the constitution analysis of the facade of commerce architecture designed by Blacket which were built from 1850 to 1881 in Sydney. As a result, it was revealed that Blacket used Golden Ratio in composing the facade of commerce architecture. Also it was revealed that several patterns are seen to the usage of a golden rectangle, especially the formulas such as "Golden rectangle = Golden rectangle + Square " and "Square = 2 Golden rectangle + 2 Square" were used.
- 2003-04-30
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