構成的芸術に関する国際的通覧『CIRCLE』(サークル)の出版について : イギリス20世紀建築・文化研究 その1
- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this study is to focus on the publication of the international survey of constructive art : CIRCLE edited by architect ; J.L.Martin, painter ; B.Nicholson, and sculptor ; N.Gabo in 1937 in England, and to examine the role and the meaning of "Constructive Idea" and the influence to the modern movement in art and architecture in the 1930s England and also to examine the relationship between art and science in the Constructive Idea. The method of the study is to examine the fact through the historical material and existing research about CIRCLE, simultaneously, by addressing to the other movement of publishing by the group of artists in 1930s England.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2003-04-30
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- 構成的芸術に関する国際的通覧『CIRCLE』(サークル) の出版について : イギリス20世紀建築・文化研究 その1
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