V.スカモッツイにおける建築と絵画・彫刻の相関の問題 : スカモッツィの「普遍的建築」をめぐる考察
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This paper is a study on architect V. Scamozzi's "correlation of architecture and painting-sculpture" that has relation to the concept of "universal architecture", which is indicated in his book "Dell' Idea dell' Architettura Universale" in the 16th century Italy. His "correlation of architecture and painting-sculpture" is shown in his view of "separation". The "separation" is based on his "science" that means intelligence, and his attempt is to make architecture independent from painting-sculpture at that time. This study is the first step to make clear the scamozzi's concept of "universal architecture".
- 2000-10-30
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