テオドール・フィッシャーの伝統理念について : 20世紀初頭ドイツの建築改革運動に関する研究 その1
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The conception of the early 20th-century modernists on tradition was not so drastically opposed to the conservatists as the propagandits of either side alleged. On this hypothesis, this paper analyzes the idea of "tradition (Uberlieferung)" of Theodor Fischer, one of the most important architect of the german reform movement before the first World War and explains that the tradition he claims is neither a vague respect for the traditional architecture nor a rigid form in a certain historical period, but an ideal process of architectural development which he called "alive tradition". Not only his statements about "craft" and "proportion" but also actions as an architect, city planner, and educater can be seen as an effort to realize this process, from which, he thought, a new form should come as a natural result.
- 1994-10-30
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