「建築空間の認知における方位概念の考察」に対する討論(横山勝樹, 今井ゆりか, 高橋鷹志著 日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 第448号 1993年6月号掲載)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the thesis to discuss, the authors showed the importance of a cognitive aspect rather than a geometrically represented aspect of architectural drawings. But I think that the experimental method can not induce a correct result for the purpose. Because it is not clear whether a space really appears on the description which the authors gave their subjects in the experiment. So it is impossible to consider that a person generally recognizes a space referring to the structured "orientation system" which results from the analysis of the plans drawn by the subjects. And the great variety of the plans is the evidence that the subjects could not recognize the space only through the description.
- 1994-05-30
- 「建築空間の認知における方位概念の考察」に対する討論(横山勝樹, 今井ゆりか, 高橋鷹志著 日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 第448号 1993年6月号掲載)
- 9037 arkhitektonについて(2) : 古代ギリシア神殿の基本的形態の記号化(建築歴史・建築意匠・建築論)
- 9022 arkhitektonについて : 建築家の本来的意味を考える(建築歴史・建築意匠・建築論)