- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present paper, the suitable mixed distribution of the grading of the crushed stone for ballast used in this experimentation is discussed. The 1/4 cut-down model track was constructed on the rubber road-bed which was set on the concrete bed in our structural laboratory and the mini-vibrator was placed on the center of the two sleepers set on the six kinds of the crushed stone selected in the model tests severally. And the vibrating force was applied to the set of the sleepers and number of revolution of the mini-vibrator was incresed up to 1800 r. p. m.. The acceleration of the vibration induced in the track was measured by the accelerometers. The author concludes in this very experimentation that it is desirable for the grading to distribute widely in order that the resonance frequency of the track may be large.
- 岐阜工業高等専門学校の論文
- 1979-02-20
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