同心円的拡大に関する日米教科書の比較 : 小学校社会科カリキュラム研究(その1)
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The purpose of this article is to clarify the principles and problems of elementary social studies curriculum. In order to do so, the author firstly sums up the Hanna's expanding environments approach and his social studies textbook series which begins from home, school, our neighborhood, and moves outward to our community, the prefecture or the state, the nation, and the world. Secondly, Japanese rationale behind the approach and its textbook series shall be discussed. As a result of that, the following are found out. (1) Reflecting the economical and cultural globalization, the approach is compelled to be modified so that we may connect ourselves with other environments, which leads to changes in the content of the textbook series. (2) Comparing with other environments is particularly important to apply the learning to other units or life activities. (3) Therefore, elementary social studies curriculum has to introduce the two principles, that is, connecting and comparing. (4) It is advisable for students of each grade to learn their immediate environments in order that he or she successfully attains the basic concepts and skills for social studies education. (5) Even though we adapts the modified expanding environments approach, both historical dimension and skill developments should be considered.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
- 2005-10-31