音楽作品の聴取における音楽要素の階層構造と好みとの関連性 : 旋律, リズム, 和声, 音色, 強弱に注目した調査研究
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The purpose of this study was to investigate music majors response to music regarding five primary constituent elements of music. This study had three phases : 1) to propose hierarchical models of the elements of music in musical listening, 2) to determine whether major instruments effect the order of elements in the hierarchical models, 3) to investigate relationships between preference and elements of music. In the first study, subjects consisted of 20 piano majors, 4 brass, woodwind and percussion majors, 2 voice majors and 3 string majors. In the second study, subjects consisted of 20 piano majors and 24 electronic organ majors. All subjects were asked to listen to 8 orchestral excerpts and to rate the attention of five elements and their preference to each piece respectively. Results indicated that the proposed hierarchy of elements was melody, timbre, dynamics, rhythm, and harmony. Results also revealed that each one's major instrument did not effect the order of elements in listening. Relationships between attentive elements and preference demonstrated that rhythm significantly effected the preferences. Additional analysis suggested that musical training enabled students to be more attentive listeners and the elements effecting preferences differed between the more trained and the less trained music major.
- 1996-12-20
- 音楽作品の聴取における音楽要素の階層構造と好みとの関連性 : 旋律, リズム, 和声, 音色, 強弱に注目した調査研究
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