- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was based on a survey conducted on 535 students who study at S high school in Nagano Prefecture in Japan. The survey was design to investigate on their lifestyles including sleep patterns, eating habits, and various health complaints. The survey results were analyzed focusing on the gender differences and academic performances. To examine the effects of lifestyles on academic performances, both factor analysis and quantification theory type methods were used. This study's major findings were as follows. The survey results show that the majority of the students generally stay up late and do not get adequate sleep time. Thus, they tend to sleep late in the morning and don't have enough time for their breakfast. As for nutrition, the male students have poorer eating habits than the female students. Various problems including too much animal protein and fat intake, avoiding vegetables, and too much junk food were evident in their diet especially with male students. A good percentage of students who do not get adequate sleep complain that they have hard time getting out of bed and feel drowsy during the day. Thus, they have trouble concentrating during school hours and suffer from fatigue. As for fatigue, more female students complained about the problem than the male students. The results of complains related to digestive and circulatory system problems show a clear difference between male and female. Fifty to sixty percent of female students complain that they suffer from extensive coldness having problems with cold feet and hands. Factor analysis was applied to investigate the relation between lifestyles and health complaints. The five factors were drawn out of the results. The results from the factor analysis were further examined by quantification theory type method. The findings of this analysis suggest that the criterion variables regarding the students' lifestyles and health complaints deeply interrelate with each other. The main criterion variables of academic performance for male are fatigue, depressive mood, too much intake of fat, irritated feelings, and upset stomach. The main criterion variables for female students were unbearable anger, having breakfast, prolonged tiredness, desire to lose or gain weight, and lack of concentration in class. Thus, the analysis suggests that such interrelated variables complicatedly affected the exam results.
- 信州短期大学の論文
- 2004-03-25
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