持続可能な農山村地域経営戦略論 : BSE問題を手がかりとして
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In this article, the word "health" is defined as a concept related to the soundness of our mental and physical condition, while the word "environment" is defined as a concept relating to the soundness of human activity and natural resources in our society. Accordingly, the former is connected with food safety and the latter is connected to the sustainability of the farming system. On these assumptions, we discuss the reciprocal relationship between the current farming system, especially sustainability, which is closely related to the condition of our health and environment. We select the BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) issues from the innumerable food and fanning affairs as typical modem agricultural problems that have direct and serious influences on our health. The report of the Japanese BSE investigation committee (governmental advisory body) pointed out that our counter-measure system against the BSE had been lacking the proper risk management system until the first detection of domestic BSE infected cows in Japan. For example, there was no accurate manual for counter-crisis management, no practical BSE monitoring system, little cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Ministry of Health, Welfare and Labor. However the government rapidly made efforts to build up the risk management system after the first detection in Japan, the quantity of beef consumption and the price of beef sharply decreased and did not recover for several month. The economic value of food safety is directly measured by the substitution method using economic loss in beef product, marketing and consumption processes, which is also measured by CVM (contingent valuation method). If we expect better conditions of health and environment in the future, we must pay some amount of cost to create a desirable (sustainable) farming system that will improve health and environmental conditions. We do not know the cost needed to create that type of farming system. Accordingly, we first recognize the economic value of food, environmental safety and the economic importance of food safety and a sustainable farming system by using the substitution method. Secondly, we prepare a menu of the actual policy options to establish food and environmental safety. Then, we apply CVM and obtain the proper social cost that should be paid to create a sustainable farming system.
- 東北文化学園大学の論文
- 2003-03-31
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- 持続可能な農山村地域経営戦略論 : BSE問題を手がかりとして
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