短期大学の発足をめぐる諸問題 2 : 公立短期大学発足を中心に
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In 1950 junior colleges in Japan were set up part of higher educational system. In that time junior colleges that private corporations managed were 132, and the junior colleges that local governments managed were 17. The latter colleges were few, but some of them were set in communities where the former colleges had never been set. So people in the communities had expected their junior colleges would be the unique function of training the rising generation who had lived in small towns. In this paper, I want to discuss the reason the junior colleges that local governments managed were set, and their historical background.
- 武蔵丘短期大学の論文
- 2001-03-31
- The Griffis' Journal of Tokyo Years (1873/4/1-1874/9/17)(No.2)
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