栄養士養成校における献立作成について : 第2報
- 論文の詳細を見る
We made a survey on the preference and cooking methods of seafoods for!74 students of the junior college for dietitian education. The following results were obtained. 1. The students preferred more meats than seafoods since their childhood. 2. We also made a survey on the eating habits of these students. In the survey, our questionnaire included how often they took seafood or meat dishes in a week. The results showed that, most students took seafood or meat dishes twice or three times a week. 3. Among the various kinds of fish,the students took salmon most frequency, and among the various cooking methods for fish, they preferred broiling. 4. About70% of freshmen and approximately40%of second grade students had no experience to fillet a fish by themselves. Moreover, almost 90% of the students had never dress a squid.
- 武蔵丘短期大学の論文
- 1999-03-31
- 調味濃度の調理科学的意義--塩味嗜好と激しい運動
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- 栄養士養成校の学生の献立作成について(第6報) : 学生の献立の数値と食材及び料理の目測量に対する検討
- 栄養士養成校の学生の献立作成について : 第5報
- 栄養士養成校の学生の献立作成について : 第4報
- 栄養士養成校の学生の献立作成について : 第3報
- 栄養士養成校における献立作成について : 第2報
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- 栄養士養成校の学生の献立作成について
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