小規模スキー場開発の理論と実践に関する試論 : シューマッハーと長野県飯山市K集落を参考に
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The aim of this study is to find a theory of proper scale ski resort development in the region. Nowaday, the large scale resorts developments plans are almost incomplete for the cause of the economic depression. It seems that the cause of the failure depend upon the economic change and the lack of the theoretical background about the resort development. So it must be considered the meaning and the significance of the resort development, a tentative theory will be provided for the sake of development in this papar. The tentative theory will be derive from the thought of a theorist (Schumacher. E.f, 1911〜1977) and a case of the hamlet which developed a small-scale ski area in Nagano prefecture. Schumacher insists on the importance of the education, the organization and the order for the development. In the education, he suggests, it is necessary to think about the metaphysics. And even in the natural science, the metaphysical consideration must be seeked in the education. Because, the education is requested for the answer of how to live and the meanings of life. In the organization, he thoght, the structure of organization must be small scale for the man who can understand the range and the group. If the large organization would be devised many small organization, it would be very useful and meaningful for the human being. From the monograph of K settlement development, three important points were found. First, so the ski area and other facilities were developed by the educational foundation, they wouldn't seek economic profits extremely. Second, same reason as the first, the men who work in the facilities are well educated in the need of their positions. They are almost the dwellers of K settlement. Three, in addition to the former two points, the foundation corporated with the dwellers of K settlement for developing the region.
- 武蔵丘短期大学の論文
- 1994-03-15
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- 小規模スキー場開発の理論と実践に関する試論 : シューマッハーと長野県飯山市K集落を参考に