- 論文の詳細を見る
Raymond Carver, master of the American short story, dies in 1988 at the age of fifty, sending his late-blooming and short life. He recovers alcoholic in his late life, obtains the best partner, Tess and comes to carry out a new literary start in the environment blessed as a writer, winning some awards. The theme of "A Small, Good Thing " in Cathedral, the best collection of his short stories will be studied, following Carver's short life and comparing this work with "The Bath" in What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. This story,"The Bath"is marvelously written by Carver's minimal art which stirs memories of Ernest Hemingway. Carver's minimal art achieves maximal effects. In the paradoxically lyric way of the minimalist writer, he has not only made sense of this world, he has given it value. Written in the simplest of styles, mirroring the language of everyday life, this story "The Bath", possesses an awesome mesmerizing power. It suddenly brings about fear of everyday life in its characters, a good couple, Ann and Howard who lead their life peacefully. Out of the moments when good luck runs out, Carver makes the highest art. In "A Small, Good Thing " he succeeds in weaving the illusion that his characters are not only real but representative. This story contains astonishing achievements, which bespeak a writer expanding his range and intentions. It overflows with the danger, excitement, mystery, and possibility of life. Its main characters come to obtain mental enhancement of relation and relief called "brightness" Carver is a writer of astonishing compassion and honesty. His eye sets only on describing and revealing the world as he sees it. His eye is so clear, it almost breaks your heart. This story shows a gifted writer struggling for a larger scope of reference, a finer touch of nuance. There is a strangeness, the husk of a myth in this story.
- 2002-03-31
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