- 論文の詳細を見る
The psychotherapy of schizophrenic patient is discussed from the viewpoint of therapeutic techniques. In psychotherapy, it is important for a therapist to have a patient speak and listen carefully what the patient says without any presupposition. The therapeutic techniques of psychoanalysis may be based on phenomenology in the sense that the therapist listens what the patient speaks without any presupposition. I treated a 22 years old schizophrenic, woman, using these therapeutic techniques. What she talked was sometimes clear to me but sometimes not. Other people stated that they could not understand what she wanted to say. I made a hypothesis that when she talks something conflicting she talds unclearly. I constantly tried to make her understand how her speech becomes vague. She could express herself fairly clearly and talked about "the los of natural self-evidence" ("Verlust der natiirlichen Selbstverstandlichkeit" Blankeburg, W.). Now she feels fairly well. Her relationship with her family has been improved as well.
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