- 論文の詳細を見る
Increment of household wastes and that complication relate to our life-style closely. For the solution of those problems, our consciousness reform is significantly needed. The university students (n = 439) and high school students (n = 845) who might be the key persons of the future society were investigated in this study. The knowledge of the university students about the separation of the trash was higher than the high school students. The separation of the trash was being carried out at the high rate of the university students than the high school students. There were many answers which were negative toward the thing connected with the cost of living such as "charging for the trash" and "the rather expensive items for the environment preservation". Overall, there was small difference between the university students and the high school students. However, a difference in consciousness for the separation of the trash became distinct obviously, in the difference in each residence form and sex of person. A person living alone and a woman were more negative toward the increase of cost of living for the environmental preservation, rather than persons living with families and men. (Waseda Journal of Human Sciences, 18 (1) : 101-107, 2005)
- 2005-03-25
森川 靖
佐藤 顕信
佐藤 顕信
森川 靖
早稲田大 人間科学
浅川 慶
平塚 基志
島崎 光清
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