一九五〇年代の前衛芸術における「伝統論争」 : イサム・ノグチの影響を中心に
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In the 1950s Japan, many avant-garde artists wondered how to represent the Japanese tradition in their works. In this essay, the phenomenon is called "Controversies on Tradition" (Dento Ronso, normally used in the field of architecture of the same preriod). It is thought that it was influenced by the visit of Isamu Noguchi, a Japanese-American sculptor, who came to Japan in 1950. The points of this study is to clarify the meaning of these "Controversies on Tradition" and to show a new scheme of postwar Japanese art history. First, the controversies resulted into vitalization of many fields of avant-garde art and even turned out to cause congenial disputes among architects, in 1955. Second, they give some artists reputation in the Western world, with the internationalization of Japanese art. Finally we can see these controversies as heralds of postmodernism, which flourished world wide in the 1960s.
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- 一九五〇年代の前衛芸術における「伝統論争」 : イサム・ノグチの影響を中心に
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