流通システムの革新 : イトーヨーカ堂の「業革」
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The performance of Ito-Yokado has deteriorated at the beginning of 1980's though it kept growing up after the first half of 1970's. However, Ito-Yokado had rapidly recovered the performance by comprehensive and forceful innovating the distribution system which was called "Gyokaku (Cyomukaizen and Gyoumukaikaku business process revolution)". In this thesis, there are two concerns. The first concern is why the performance of Ito-Yokado had deteriorated rapidly in the 1980's beginning. The second is how Ito-Yokado had advanced "Gyokaku" and how it had improved the performance in a short term by fundamentally innovating the distribution system.
- 静岡県立大学の論文
- 2002-09-25
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