Basin artificial recharge of groundwater in the Rokugo alluvial fan, northern Japan
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The Rokugo alluvial fan lies around 39° 25' N and 140° 34' E in northern Japan. The distance between the proximal fan at 90 meters above sea level and the distal fan at 45 meters is about four kilometers. The unconfined aquifer of the fan consists mainly of gravel and sand. Four artificial recharge basins were constructed on the central part of the fan. This time, we discuss the effects of artificial recharge on the formation of groundwater mounds under the area of basins No.1 and No.2. Results obtained are based on the recharge operations which have done three times, first: from September 8 to November 10, 1998 (63 days), second: from November 15, 1998 to April 5, 1999 (141 days) and third: from April 19 to April 29, 1999 (10 days). As conclusion, groundwater mounds were formed under the bottom of basins No.1 and No.2. The enhancing of the groundwater cycle in the aquifer has resulted in sustainability for the groundwater environment especially in the distal fan.
- 秋田大学の論文
- 2005-03-31
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