使い捨て用品廃棄物の減量化政策に関する研究 : 韓国における使い捨て用品の使用規制を中心に
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EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) or Policy Means for Recycling is adapted in many OECD countries. Its Policy Effect, however, is different in each country. In Germany and South Korea, the amount used of can or plastic product, becomes less instead of increasing of that of bottle or paper product. In the United States and Japan, however, a disposable plastic, metallic, aluminum, etc. are increasing rapidly. These are the different Policy Effects resulting from the different Policy Means of each country. The difference in the reducing policy of the container and packaging waste in each country is based on the following five Policy Means. 1.To what extent (production, recovery, processing stage) is producer responsibility expanded? 2.With what kind of responsibility are the persons concerned burdened? 3.Which source of discharge of waste (house discharge, office or company discharge, especially service and retail store discharge) is set up as an object of recycling system? 4. What container packing material as the object of recycling is set? 5. How are the policy means such as a mandatory control means, an economical means, and autonomous agreement combined? Based on the issues above, we aim to examine which means is the most efficient for reduction of the container and packaging waste. As a part of the research, this paper focuses on the direct regulation of the disposable product in South Korea. In conclusion, the regulation policy has an effect on reduction and recycling of the container and packaging waste to a great extent.
- 2004-06-01